Sunday, May 22, 2011

Using my scraps

I don't know about you but I have a 12 x 12 art bin filled with gorgeous paper scraps which I will never just bin... so being a bit over pumping out the 12 x 12 layouts lately... I decided to take a break and put some wee cards together. I am making 6 per set and using the same paper collection. I have just looved creating these. I have only put up 4 for tonight as the others I photographed were not so good so will reshoot them tomorrow in the sunlight. So here is just a quick squizzy at what I have been up to. They are a lovely gift to give to someone who appreciates your work.... and obviously nice to just give to someone who you care about. Like we all know we love hand made cards and gifts so much more..
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I spent the night last night at Daisys. The May retreat was on all weekend but I could only fit in last night as we had other things on with family. On the count down now for Brisbane for the Scrapbook & Papercraft expo. Wooohooo!! Look out Brisbane!
See you there or be square x
Moonie x


  1. love your wee cards, absolutely gorgeous; they'll make beautiful gifts!

  2. OOOO these are just delish Lisa I adore them soo lovely to chat tonight

  3. Lis, you never cease to amaze me, these ae totally gorgeous.. xxx

  4. Oh wow, gorgeous, but talking about gorgeous, the layout you did for the lastest Scrapbooking Memories Mag is a stunner, wowsers, you have to share some of your staying thin secrets, you look awesome. Cannot wait to catch up with you at the Melxx
