I have been working full on for the past few weeks and more to come. We have been very busy at work. I must say I do love my job.. I love passing on my creativity to my such inspired customers. Makes me feel great to pass on my creative flair even if it is just over the counter and onto our Photo Kiosks where the sky is the limit to what you can achieve.My Mum flew over here Saturday last week as my sister had surgery. Mum was happy to come over and play Mummy for her oldest girl (still her baby). But she goes home tomorrow and I cannot believe how time has just slid past my eyes this past 7 days.The short time we have had together we have just belly laughed and had an absolute ball. We are just nuts together and this is what I love about my family. I have this awesome relationship with my Mum, my sister Tanya and of course my beautiful girl Danielle. And now with Corey. Even though he is a boy, we are still nuts together.Mum stayed here last night and tonight. I cooked an awesome Thai dish for us girls last night. Tan come over here for the evening while the boys went to the movies. We had wine and laughed and had a lovely dinner. This morning we took Mum to some markets and then to the famous Eumundi Markets where we had a ball and got some bargains and then got caught in the rain.We finished our day off by having dinner at Tans and Kerrys tonight. Nothing like true family love. And I know some people take it for granted but I truly feel blessed we all get on so great in our family. Us girls never fight and we all look out for one another.I hope you have all had a great weekend so far. Tomorrow I am having a chilled out day with my husband who I have hardly seen all week. Gets like that from time to time due to work commitments. I'm sure you all know what I mean.My blister and I xMe and my nephew Mr Ted WalshUncle Johnny and I trying to behave for the eveningMe and my girls... minus one... Danielle Jo :-( Mum and I acting the goat... yet again So there you have it.. some shots of our week with Mum. She will go again... back to NZ and will be terribly missed. But will be back again at Christmas time to enjoy some well earned time together again. Night night all Thanks for stopping in Moonie x
Oh my god,The tears are rolling again.Such a lovely story babe,and yes we had such a great time together didn't we.Memories that will never be forgotten spending time with my very precious family that i love dearly. Mind you they give me a hard time when they feel like specially Mooney ,but that's all about playing up and having fun . would not have it any other way . Love ya
Oh my god,The tears are rolling again.Such a lovely story babe,and yes we had such a great time together didn't we.Memories that will never be forgotten spending time with my very precious family that i love dearly. Mind you they give me a hard time when they feel like specially Mooney ,but that's all about playing up and having fun . would not have it any other way . Love ya